What a waste of time!
I don't have any time....
I'm running out of time-
Take your time.
I want to spend my time-
Would you give your time...?
What a wonderful time!
I'll never forget that time-
I'm sitting here thinking of my least favorite state of being- we all have one, or more than one I suppose for some- for me, it's being busy. Now let me clarify: I always enjoy having purpose, goals, and work to do; but to me this is not the same as being busy. Time spent in a whirlwind of activity is to me a waste of the very thing we are racing to beat- time.
The most valuable asset that can't be bought, extended, or even value totaled until it's ended is something I believe I must use with care, intent, and moments of steady breathing. These past few days I could feel my own life gathering into a dust cloud of busy. Looking ahead, with warmer weather and my profession, the dust cloud will naturally grow into a tornado of busy, if left unchecked.
Now perhaps some think that they have so much to do, that it is impossible not to be busy. In truth, if we all sat down and thought through our lives, and listed all the places we go and things we do, we'd find that life doesn't necessarily hold a lot of "have-to's" to be lived. There's the proverbial wants versus needs, followed by scrutinizing the wants: do they enrich life or merely clutter up corners with unfulfilling "busy"?
A few years ago I learned to appreciate the absence of everything- time spent slowly- and how living this time out made me more productive in all things. There were places, things, jobs, and yes even people that had to be removed from the list of have-to and recognized as not even things on which I wanted to spend my time. Perhaps I appeared a recluse, selfish, and maybe a tad crazy for what I gave up. But it was a trade, I assure you for the better, for my time.
I want my loved ones to have all of me during our time together, my profession requires my entire heart and mind to be executed as I expect of myself, and lastly, but truly in life, firstly- I require all of me in each and every moment I live. Totally immersed in my gardens, in writing this piece and reminding myself why, for this writing is as much for my own learning as for your enjoyment. Having the time to give my whole mind and whole heart to the present activity- or lack thereof.
Lifetime: to spend my time taking my time for the time I'm given in this life.