August has been a busy month, both personally and professionally. Bonnie's Barefoot Gardening Service, LLC officially opened for business the last week of July, and I have been busy scheduling design consults, setting up maintenance schedules, and organizing the structure of my business, which seems to have taken on a life of its own.

My vision for this business is to provide knowledgeable and meticulous horticultural services to clients who are passionate about gardening. Some of my clients work with me, sharing their vision as we tend their gardens together. Some clients passion hasn't quite reached their fingertips, and they prefer to watch or come home to a well cared for and loved landscape. The one aspect that ties all my clients together is a love for growth. Whether participating, watching, or doing it all on their own with just my coaching, my clients have passion for their plants, and a desire to know and love their gardens.
There's a lot to do as a business owner, all of it new territory for me, but interestingly enough, none of it overwhelming. This business is a creature of my own design, and learning to encourage one aspect of growth while slowing down another is a fascinating process that I am fully enjoying.
August was also full of personal growth and travel. Mid-month, I participated in an Outward Bound
course for veterans; the course was sea kayaking in the Outer Banks of North Carolina for five days. I was privileged to meet fellow veterans from all different walks of life, time of service and military branch. Of course, I was the token Coastie on the team, and for some of my team mates, the first Coastie they'd ever met. I hope I did my branch proud.

Next, it was off to Texas with my son to see a dear friend and her family for my and my son's birthday. Texas, you surprised me and are now in the running for future places to live. As I write this, I am mentally going over my packing list for one last trip for the year. I am heading to Las Vegas for five days- a late birthday present to myself- to stay with a friend. While there we have a marvelously packed itinerary including Bryce Canyon, the Northern Rim of the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and of course, all things Las Vegas.
This summer has been a wonderful time of change and growth, a trend I plan on continuing for life. I cannot adequately express the joy I have in my heart as I take these steps in life- and I am thankful for all the love and support I have received along the way. To continued growth!